Interested in showing your support for energy but don't know how? Here are some suggestions.

1. Be proud to support Canadian oil and gas industry.
​​2. Talk to family and friends. They respect you and want to learn from you. Telling someone you know that you support oil and gas could go a long way in changing their perceptions because they trust and respect your opinions and views.
3. If you have young people in your house, challenge perceptions. The world isn’t ending. We have an optimist future.
4. We must speak up and give our perspective so that the other side doesn’t own the conversation. Post videos and pictures of your work site on social media.
5. Challenge misinformation. When you see an article or news story that is inaccurate and defamatory towards Canada’s oil and gas industry, write to the reporter and the news outlet.
If the article misrepresents the benefits and capabilities of renewables, it is okay to call that out too.
6. Attend pro-energy events. We need community.
​​​​​​​​​​​7. Talk to your elected representatives. Let all elected officials know that you support balanced, responsible energy development, and you want them to be part of a coherent, informed, rational conversation on your behalf. All it takes are three to five letters from constituents to get your representative’s attention.
8. Talk to the media. Don't shy away from giving your perspective on issues.
9. If you’re an industry executive, speak up. Share your personal stories about working in oil and gas. Encourage your staff to advocate and attend pro-oil and gas events. Keep them informed. Your education and encouragement will go a long way.
​10. Connect with people you know on a personal level and explain the business. Talk to people in a way that is relevant and that they understand.
11. Be respectful and be open to talking with anyone who is willing to have a discussion. Don’t tolerate abuse or mistreatment, but don’t give it either.