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Governments are currently operating in an environment of declining trust. Citizens feel so disenfranchised by government and politicians that they are not even taking the time to vote. This is a concern in a democratic society that relies on citizens to set the priorities of the country, province, or city.

In the 2015 federal election, 68.5% of people voted; that was the highest turnout since 1993, 22 years prior. That means 31.5% of eligible voters did not vote, for whatever reason.

Provincially, Alberta also had the highest voter turnout in 22 years during the 2015 provincial election at 58.25%. Doing the math, that still leaves 41.75% or 1,061,755 eligible Albertans who didn’t vote.

It gets worse. Municipally, voter turnout in Calgary for the 2017 election saw the highest turnout in 40 years at 58.1%. This may seem troublingly low, but it’s fantastic compared to 2013’s election that saw only 36% or 262,352 people vote.

We need politics for the people, not for the politicians, and that’s why I believe voter engagement is critical. I have encouraged people to join a political campaign, but I know that isn’t feasible or desirable to everyone, so to help you engage by having a conversation with candidates, below are ten questions that you can ask about their position on energy policy.

Regardless of who you vote for, the energy industry is the number one industry in Alberta, and it is important for Canadian oil and gas supporters to be informed about candidates’ positions on energy policy. While it is great to get involved and vote, to resolve the current economic situation in Alberta, we must elect people who support the energy industry. It is valuable to have a written "paper trail" of what the candidate supports prior to the election; therefore, I encourage you to get as many answers as possible in writing so that you can review what you were told. It is then much easier to hold them accountable after they are elected into public office and a position of influence.

Please don’t be shy to speak with your current elected officials to find out their positions and track-record on supporting the energy sector. In my experience, they appreciate interacting with constituents who are knowledgeable, respectful and engaged in the political process.

Additionally, candidates vying for an elected position are often eager to speak with potential voters to discuss their ideas. A good-quality candidate will want to talk with you to learn about your concerns on a topic that you have expertise in, such as energy.

No matter how involved you become in politics, please vote. I know of an incumbent candidate who lost their seat by six votes. It isn’t just a cliché; every vote really does matter.

1. Do you support the Canadian oil and gas sector?

2. If elected, do you support eliminating the carbon tax in Alberta? In no, what changes would you make, if any?

3. What will you do to ensure your party understands the issues the Canadian oil and gas sector faces, both currently and potentially in the future?

4. Have you been part of an anti-oilsands campaign or protest in the past?

5. How will you personally support construction of necessary intra-provincial infrastructure such as pipelines both to the west coast and across Canada to the east coast?

6. If elected, what are the first three things you will do to support the energy sector?

7. Do you believe that Canada can have a thriving oil and gas sector and a robust renewables sector? How do you see the two intersecting? How will you and your party support the oil and gas sector in transitioning towards a greener economy but also developing Alberta’s oilsands?

8. What are actionable steps your party can take to spread a positive message about the oil and gas sector and how will you measure their effectiveness?

9. What actions can you take or support to streamline the portions of the regulatory process that are currently burdensome and inefficient?

10. What is your position on foreign funded activist groups mandated to landlock Alberta oil from getting to competitive markets? What actions would you support against these groups?

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