February 20, 2019
Dear US Army Corps of Engineers,
I am writing to you today because you are one of a number of US agencies tasked with permitting the US component of Enbridge Inc.’s Line 3 Replacement Project, and I would like to express my support for both the company and the project.
I am an Albertan who works in the Canadian oil and gas industry, and I know first-hand how important pipeline safety and integrity is to our industry. We continually innovate to make improvements in technology that ensures that integrity. There are entire departments in companies like Enbridge that dedicate their day to ensuring their pipelines are not compromised in an effort to minimize incidents for the benefit of people and the environment.
The four main technical reasons that I support the Line 3 Replacement Project are:
1. It is an integrity- and maintenance-driven project that is consistent with Enbridge’s safe and reliable operations. The company has a goal of zero incidents, and through their integrity management program, technology and a will to cause no environmental or community harm, they can one day achieve that lofty goal.
2. As part of the company’s routine maintenance program, Enbridge conducted an assessment of the Line 3 pipeline in 2013 that identified strategic and efficient means for maintaining system integrity, including additional in-line tool runs, investigatory digs or segment replacement.
3. The company further determined that a replacement of Line 3 was best to maintain system integrity while minimizing disruptions to landowners and communities and safeguarding waterways.
4. The project will reduce future repair activities and resulting disruptions to landowners and the environment, as well as restore the historical operating capabilities of Line 3 and promote energy efficiency of Enbridge’s Mainline System.
Thank you for taking the time to read this letter and for your commitment to safety, integrity and prosperity for all,
Deidra Garyk